In the United States of America, people use different units of length and pressure than Japan and Europe. In Japan, the SI unit system is mainly used. But in the United States, until now, people still use inches (length) and pounds (mass). The conversion of these units is explained below.
1m = 39.37inch
1inch = 25.4mm
1ft =12inch = 305mm
1yd =3ft = 36inch = 0.914m
inch: inch
ft: feet
yd: code
1kg = 2.205 lb
1lb = 0.454 kg
lb: pound
1kgf/cm2 =14.223 lb/inch2 = 14.223 psi
lb/inch2 = psi (abbreviation for Pressure Per Square inches)
1°C = 5/9 (F-32)
1°F = 9/5 (F-32)
°C = degrees Celsius
°F = Fahrenheit
0°C = 32°F
20°C = 68°F
30°C = 86°F
100°C = 212°F