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    Cross roller guide LGC6R9
    Cross roller guide LGC6R9
    Cross roller guide LGC6R9
    Cross roller guide LGC6R9

    LGC Cross roller guide LGC6R9

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    Ships in 7 days Code:50093Green and Eco-Friendly - Two-Year Warranty - Fake Compensation - Snway Pneumatic
    Green and Eco-Friendly - Two-Year Warranty - Fake Compensation - Snway Pneumatic

    Product Number: LGC6R9 Weight: - Roller outer diameter:6.0MMtype:-
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    Current Valid Price $6.10 (Tax-Inclusive Price:$6.89)
    The Crossed Roller Guide is a non-circulating linear motion guide with high rigidity and high precision. Its main feature is the use of staggered precision rollers as the rolling medium, which greatly reduces the frictional resistance during operation, and through the high rigidity of the guide rail structure to meet the need to carry high loads. It is currently mainly used in mechanical equipment and measuring instruments that require high precision. Such as printed circuit board drilling machines or the sliding seat part of optical testers, optical workbenches and X-ray devices.

    Category: Linear Guide, Brand: Yadeke, Series: LGC

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