The working principle is shown in the figure below. It installs a permanent magnetic ring on the cylinder piston and a reed switch on the cylinder shell. The switch is equipped with a reed, a protection circuit, an action indicator light, etc., which are all sealed in a box with resin. When the piston equipped with a permanent magnet moves near the reed, the magnetic field lines pass through the reed to magnetize it, and the two reeds are attracted to contact, and the switch is turned on. When the permanent magnet returns and leaves, the magnetic field weakens, the two reeds spring open, and the switch is turned off. As the switch is turned on or off, the solenoid valve is reversed, thereby realizingreciprocating motion of the cylinder.
1-action indicator light 2-protection circuit 3-switch housing
4-Wire 5-Piston 6-Magnetic ring 7-Cylinder 8-Reed switch