Answer: The output coefficients of cylinders of different brands are different, so I will give you a compromise. This has a lot to do with your air pressure. The answer I give you is the cylinder diameter of 8KG air pressure. The bore diameter of 200MM can meet your force requirements. In addition, you also need to consider factors such as cylinder speed and load.

Pneumatic basics:
1. This involves the theoretical output force of the cylinder. The theoretical output force is only related to the cylinder bore (that is, the piston inner diameter you mentioned) and the air pressure. Calculation formula. The output force of 1 ton requires a cylinder diameter of at least 160, and the air pressure must be at least 0.5MPa. If it is 5 tons, the cylinder bore should be above 300 and the air pressure should be 0.7MPa. In fact, greater power can be achieved using a pneumatic boosting system, which saves space.
2. This involves the speed of the cylinder. Generally, the cylinder speed is 50mm/s~500mm/s. The smaller the load factor, the faster the speed can be achieved! The current maximum speed of the cylinder is 3m/s. The tens of meters you mentioned are impossible! According to what you said, with such a large load, it is impossible to achieve such a fast speed! (10~50mm in 1 second is possible)
3. This involves physical knowledge. Inertia is inherent and cannot be set artificially. You may mean to reduce the volume and small impact - then the countermeasure is to set up a buffer (air buffer, hydraulic buffer, etc.).
SelectingCylinderBefore we must know how much thrust the cylinder needs, because under the same air pressure, the larger the cylinder diameter, the greater the thrust, so the appropriate one is enough . If you choose too big a cylinder, it will not only waste money, but also affect work efficiency (large cylinders run slower).
Cylinder pressure calculation formula:
The output force of the cylinder has nothing to do with the stroke length, such as: air pressure 0.5Mpa (5.0985811 kilogram force/square centimeter (kgf/cm)), cylinder diameter 50mm (5cm), cylinder cross-sectional area =3.14 The table will be very fast.